Southwest Power Pool (SPP)
SPP’s Markets+ hit a snag after FERC issued a deficiency letter outlining 16 problems the RTO must address in the tariff it filed for the proposed Western day-ahead market in March.
AEP executives say they're embracing large loads and have firm commitments for more than 15 GW of load coming from just data centers by 2030.
FERC accepted SPP’s proposed tariff revisions to implement congestion hedging improvements, ending a journey through the stakeholder process that began six years ago.
SPP’s Markets and Operations Policy Committee endorsed recommended revision requests from two stakeholder groups as part of the RTO’s effort to strengthen resource adequacy.
The court rejected a wind farm’s challenge of FERC’s decision to allow SPP to charge more than $100 million for upgrades needed to connect the facility to the grid operator’s system.
A group of utilities have filed for rehearing of a show cause order FERC issued in June that could change the practice of who pays for interconnection lines at four ISO/RTOs.
SPP attempted to allay concerns about its ability to dispatch power among various Western regions during a webinar intended to illustrate its experience with seams management.
FERC rejected SPP's tariff revisions that would modify the adder for uncertainty of expected costs for offers above $1,000/MWh.
High-voltage transmission developer Grid United says its proposed North Plains Connector would provide significant reliability capacity benefits to interregional transmission, according to a study.
FERC denied a complaint by Missouri River Energy Services that SPP violated its tariff by failing to give the utility any firm transmission rights in every annual allocation since 2016, resulting in more than $25 million in overcharges.
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