February 23, 2025

SPP Holistic Integrated Tariff Team (HITT)

SPP Board of Directors/MC Briefs: July 28, 2020
SPP‘s Board of Directors approved a recommendation that resolves uncertainty over the weighting of futures in the 2021 transmission planning assessment.
SPP MOPC Briefs: July 15-16, 2020
SPP stakeholders once again took a crack to resolve a weighty issue in determining how futures will be considered in the RTO’s 2021 transmission plan study.
FERC OKs 2 Changes from SPP’s HITT Work
FERC accepted SPP Tariff revisions implementing recommendations from the RTO’s stakeholders on fast-start resources and ramping products.
SPC Endorses SPP’s Strategic Market Roadmap
SPP’s Strategic Planning Committee unanimously endorsed the RTO's Strategic Market Roadmap for 2020, designed to improve market efficiency, reliability and price formation.
SPP Board/Members Committee Briefs: April 28, 2020
SPP’s Board of Directors approved the first two revision requests stemming from the Holistic Integrated Tariff Team’s work.
SPP Strategic Planning Committee Briefs: April 15, 2020
SPP Board Chair Larry Altenbaumer asked the Strategic Planning Committee for an education session on congestion hedging following stakeholder disagreement.
Interregional Projects May Become Reality for SPP, MISO
MISO and SPP are optimistic the RTOs will finally agree on an interregional transmission project, they said at GCPA's 7th annual MISO South Conference.
SPP Regional State Committee Briefs: Jan. 27, 2020
The SPP Cost Allocation Working Group told the Regional State Committee that they plan to establish a narrow byway facility cost allocation review process.
SPP Briefs: Week of Dec. 9, 2019
SPP's Monitor released a paper detailing a study of generator self-commitments in the market, yielding evidence they exert downward pressure on prices.
SPP Strategic Planning Committee Briefs: Nov. 12, 2019
The SPP Strategic Planning Committee met at NextEra Energy’s corporate headquarters in Juno Beach, Fla., to discuss the RTO's new strategic plan.

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