SPP Integrated Transmission Planning (ITP)
SPP and MISO plan to apply for grants from the Department of Energy to help fund five transmission projects recently identified in their JTIQ work.
FERC has accepted a pair of SPP tariff revisions related to generator interconnection procedures and transmission planning.
SPP’s third Regional Cost Allocation Review of the regional and zonal allocation methodology’s reasonableness showed dramatic improvements.
SPP stakeholders have rejected a recommendation to stick with the status quo when it comes to adding counterflow optimization to the congestion-hedging process.
SPP’s board approved three tariff revision recommendations related to transmission pricing in local zones and the RTO’s facility cost-allocation process.
SPP stakeholders endorsed the RTO’s latest transmission planning assessment but also withheld approval of a 345-kV, double-circuit project in West Texas.
SPP is searching for ways to advocate change in the natural gas industry following the latter's role in February’s disastrous winter storm outages.
SPP stakeholders approved staff’s recommendation to withdraw a competitive transmission project that was opposed by the incumbent transmission owner, Evergy.
MISO planners stressed the importance of long-range transmission planning at a recent stakeholders' workshop, but some representatives were skeptical.
SPP's Markets and Operations Policy Committee discussed the RTO's generation interconnection backlog and its performance during February's cold snap.
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