SPP Marketing Monitoring Unit (MMU)
Former ERCOT Monitor Carrie Bivens has been named vice president of SPP’s Market Monitoring Unit, replacing her predecessor after he took an executive position with the Texas grid operator.
SPP and Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. have given stakeholders until Nov. 15 to review a draft study that has identified potential joint transmission projects mutually beneficial to both grid operators.
FERC accepted SPP’s revisions to its WEIS market tariff related to the residual supply index and ensuring that affiliated market participants’ resources are evaluated together.
SPP’s REAL Team approved base planning reserve margins and a sufficiency valuation curve, codifying months of work.
ERCOT hired Keith Collins, who directs SPP’s Market Monitoring Unit, as its new vice president of market operations to replace Kenan Ögelman.
SPP told members the EPA’s final rule curbing greenhouse gas emissions from power plants could hamper the nation’s ability to provide reliable service during the “swift” transition from fossil fuels to renewables.
Stakeholders have discussed the likelihood that there may be two day-ahead markets in the West, CAISO’s Extended Day-ahead Market and SPP’s Markets+ and/or RTO West.
FERC rejected SPP’s proposed market power test for the Western Energy Imbalance Service, saying it gave the Market Monitor too much discretion.
SPP stakeholders asked two working groups to consider compromise language on a pair of tariff revisions related to resource adequacy policies.
SPP says it expects “normal” summer operations in its balancing authority and reliability coordinator areas this summer, despite a projected drought.
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