SPP Marketing Monitoring Unit (MMU)
FERC accepted the recommendations of SPP’s Market Monitoring Unit to eliminate the Woodward frequently constrained area (FCA) in Northwest Oklahoma.
The SPP board approved a Tariff revision that incorporates a refund obligation for the RTO's nonpublic transmission-owning utility members.
SPP’s Marketing Monitoring Unit says it is concerned with a “marked increase” in the frequency of negative price intervals.
SPP’s Markets and Operations Policy Committee unanimously approved adding a major maintenance cost in mitigated start-up and no-load offers.
A Sierra Club report released said captive customers of Southwest Power Pool (SPP) utilities are paying for uneconomical coal plants that self-commit.
SPP’s Board of Directors approved a cleanup of Tariff language that just may have put the RTO’s troublesome Z2 process in the rearview mirror.
SPP said it will join the ISO/RTO Council’s filing against the Department of Energy’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to support struggling coal and nuclear.
FERC rejected SPP’s request to remove its day-ahead must-offer requirement, saying the RTO had not provided “sufficient support” for the Tariff revisions.
SPP named Keith Collins, CAISO manager of monitoring and reporting and former FERC official, as the new executive director of its Market Monitoring Unit.
The SPP Board of Directors and members approved the nomination of three new representatives to the Members Committee and bylaw changes.
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