SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee (MOPC)
The SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee has approved tariff revisions that would implement dispatchable transactions in the real-time energy market.
SPP says it is devoting significant resources to finally resolve Attachment Z2, a bone of contention among SPP stakeholders since 2016 -- by the end of this decade.
SPP is considering a 765-kV solution and several 500-kV proposals in its Permian Basin footprint in Texas and New Mexico as it dabbles with extra-high-voltage transmission lines.
SPP publicly alerted stakeholders it failed to conduct a tariff-required analysis of several GI queue study clusters during their effort to reduce the backlog of GI requests dating back to 2017.
SPP stakeholders have approved congestion-hedging implementation policies six years in the making that had some likening it to Groundhog Day.
SPP members approved a revision request that will allow staff to complete an energy management system upgrade in a timely fashion and reduce project costs.
SPP’s board gave its state regulators the go-ahead to file a tariff change allowing LREs to receive exemptions for not meeting their PRM obligation.
SPP stakeholders have rejected a recommendation to stick with the status quo when it comes to adding counterflow optimization to the congestion-hedging process.
SPP’s board approved three tariff revision recommendations related to transmission pricing in local zones and the RTO’s facility cost-allocation process.
SPP’s Board of Directors and its state regulators will consider a pair of revision requests that did not pass stakeholder muster earlier this month.
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