September 28, 2024

SPP Resource and Energy Adequacy Leadership (REAL) Team

SPP’s REAL Team Approves Base PRMs, Sufficiency Value Curve
SPP’s REAL Team approved base planning reserve margins and a sufficiency valuation curve, codifying months of work.
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SPP’s REAL Team Moves Package of Policies
SPP’s resource adequacy stakeholder group has moved several policies that indicate the team’s work is “coming home” after months of presentations and discussions.
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Conditions Finally Reverted to (Somewhat) Normal for SPP in 2023
SPP chalked up numerous successes during 2023 without the effects of a global pandemic or severe winter storms.
Texas Public Utility Commission
McAdams Honored During Last Texas PUC Meeting
Texas PUC Commissioner Will McAdams has made good on his intention to resign by year’s end, having sat through his last open meeting.
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‘Therapy Session’: SPP REAL Team Reviews Draft LOLE Study
SPP REAL Team members conducted a “therapy session” in forming a consensus position around its schedule and priorities for 2024.
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SPP ‘All Over’ Addressing Resource Adequacy
The Resource and Energy Adequacy Leadership (REAL) Team, a cross-section group of regulators, directors and stakeholders, is the answer to SPP's No. 1 strategic priority: resource adequacy.
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SPP REAL Team Compromises on PBA, ELCC Revisions

SPP stakeholders asked two working groups to consider compromise language on a pair of tariff revisions related to resource adequacy policies.

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SPP REAL Team Endorses Winter Resource Requirement
SPP’s REAL Team is taking up multiple resource adequacy issues as it works to ensure the RTO has enough accredited capacity to meet future demand.
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SPP’s REAL Team Swings Into Action
SPP approved the scope of a team formed to address resource adequacy challenges and endorsed the group’s plans for dealing with resource accreditation.
SPP MOPC Briefs: April 10-11, 2023
SPP staff and stakeholders spent much of last week’s virtual Markets and Operations Policy Committee meeting discussing resource adequacy.

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