February 23, 2025

SPP Tariff attachment Z2

Fast-Start Resource Pricing Adds to SPP’s Workload in 2018
The Dec. 21 FERC order requiring SPP to help fast-start resources set LMPs added one more to-do for the RTO in what is shaping up to be a busy 2018.
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SPP Invoices Lead to Confusion on Z2 Payments
A mismatch between posted Z2 reports and invoices sent this month forced the RTO to email members to “dispel any confusion that may have resulted.”
Kansas Electric Power Cooperative
FERC Rejects SPP Change on Network Resource Upgrades
FERC issued rulings in three SPP transmission cases, mostly siding with the RTO but rejecting its proposed changes to classifying service upgrade costs.
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SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Briefs: Oct. 31, 2017
SPP’s Board of Directors approved a cleanup of Tariff language that just may have put the RTO’s troublesome Z2 process in the rearview mirror.
SPP Tx Owners Take Zonal Placement Concerns to FERC
KCP&L is fulfilling its promise to take legal action against SPP for how the RTO allocates costs to customers after a new transmission owner joins a zone.
SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Briefs: July 25, 2017
The SPP Board of Directors and Members Committee approved MOPC's decision to let the Z2, Export Pricing and Gas-Electric Coordination task forces expire.
SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee Briefs: July 11-12, 2017
The SPP Z2 Task Force will likely be a relic of the past, but the issues with credits and obligations for sponsored transmission upgrades aren’t going away.
SPP Briefs: Week of June 28
SPP stakeholders spent two hours discussing the need for a congestion study in the Texas Panhandle, only to determine that more discussion is needed.
SPP Members Send Z2 Alternatives to MOPC
SPP members are advancing at least two alternative solutions to address the RTO’s complicated crediting system for transmission upgrades.
SPP Members Again Struggle with Solutions to Z2 Credits
SPP Members once again discussed alternatives to its cumbersome Z2 credits during an all-day meeting, but they adjourned without reaching any decisions.

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