February 22, 2025

Steve Huntoon

Counterflow: Cue More Pixie Dust
Columnist Steve Huntoon criticizes the Rocky Mountain Institute’s claim that the bulk of new natural gas generation will become uneconomic.
Counterflow: Cue the Pixie Dust
Columnist Steve Huntoon argues that energy storage resources should not get preferential treatment in PJM's Capacity Performance market construct.
Counterflow: NRDC Prescribes More Carbon Emissions
Columnist Steve Huntoon responds to NRDC's criticism, arguing that its new claims are no more valid than the ones it made before.
Counterflow – Fuel Security: PJM Does ‘Seinfeld’
Columnist Steve Huntoon argues that PJM's worst-case scenarios are extremely unlikely, meaning consumers paying for more “fuel security” makes no sense.
Counterflow: Big Transmission is Still Dead
Commentator Steve Huntoon doubts that even a proposed $2.5 billion MISO-to-PJM HVDC line can raise Big Transmission from the dead.
SOAPBOX – Huntoon Microgrid Critique ‘Seriously Flawed’
Noblis' Jeffrey Marqusee offers a rebuttal against Steve Huntoon's March column criticizing a Noblis study of microgrids on military bases.

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