January 22, 2025

summer readiness

ERCOT Board of Directors Briefs: June 8, 2021
Interim ERCOT CEO Brad Jones has a 100-day strategic plan to restore confidence in the grid operator’s ability to operate reliably after February's storm.
Abbott Signs Texas Grid Legislation into Law
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law a pair of comprehensive reform bills that he said would fix the “flaws” that lead to February’s power failure.
Texas RE Gives Sunny Summer Outlook
The Texas Reliability Entity’s director of reliability services said that renewable energy will be crucial if the state is to survive another brutal summer.
ISO-NE: Resources in Place to Meet Summer Demand
ISO-NE said it should have the resources necessary this summer to meet demand during average and above-average temperatures.
SPP Briefs: Week of May 10, 2021
SPP said it expects normal conditions and no extreme operation situations within its balancing authority and reliability coordinator footprints this summer.
ERCOT Resource Adequacy Hard Sell After Winter Storm
ERCOT worked to ease anxieties in the Texas media after releasing a pair of resource adequacy reports that show it has healthy reserve margins this summer.
MISO Tells Members to Prepare for Summer Emergencies
MISO says it has 146 GW of capacity to cover a projected 122 GW summer peak. However, staff said emergency declarations could be made.
Regulators, ERCOT Stakeholders ‘Meet’ for First Time
Texas’ two newest utility regulators met with ERCOT staff and market participants for the first time and discussed preparations for the upcoming summer.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: April 28, 2021
NYISO CEO Rich Dewey informed the Management Committee that Sept. 1 is the earliest date on which in-person stakeholder meetings could resume.
Wheeling Debate Tests West, CAISO CEO Says
CAISO stakeholders are still wary of the new proposed wheel-through provisions the ISO has submitted to FERC for clarity on the complex issue.

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