February 23, 2025

Sunflower Electric Power Corp.

SPP Cancels First Competitive Tx Project, Citing Falling Demand Projections
The 1st competitive SPP project under FERC Order 1000, approved by the BOD with some fanfare in April, is being cancelled due to falling demand projections. 
SPP Awards First Order 1000 Project — But it May Not be Needed
SPP awarded its first competitively bid transmission project under Order 1000 -- but it may not be built because of declining load forecasts.
FERC Again Rejects Sunflower Complaint over Kansas Deal
FERC denied Sunflower Electric Power's request for a rehearing of a July 2014 order that rejected its bid to recover $5 million it claims it is owed for “backstopping” a power-supply arrangement.
SPP Staff Plan on Kansas Transmission Project Fails to Win MOPC Endorsement
SPP staff’s recommendation that the RTO approve a 21-mile 115-kV line from Walkemeyer to North Liberal as part of a reliability solution in southwestern Kansas failed to win stakeholder endorsement.

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