Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017
FERC dismissed a Louisiana city’s complaint that Cleco Power collected excess revenue because its rates did not immediately reflect the 2018 tax cut.
FERC acted on tariff filings by more than a dozen transmission owners to correct how they calculate accumulated deferred income tax balances.
Transmission owners will be required to reduce their rates to reflect reduced corporate income taxes under a proposal issued by FERC.
FERC issued a final rule requiring natural gas pipelines to reflect the federal corporate income tax cut in their rates.
Consolidated Edison’s (Con Ed) Q1 2018 earnings jumped more than 10% on an increased rate base and a weather-related boost in steam revenues.
FERC ordered 48 electric utilities to revise their transmission rates to reflect the recently enacted Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
The cut in federal corporate income taxes figured prominently in fourth quarter earnings reports by OGE Energy, CenterPoint Energy and Entergy.
The Texas PUC postponed until March a decision on whether to remove reliability unit commitments from ERCOT’s operating reserve demand curve.
The Edison Electric Institute celebrated the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act at its annual briefing to Wall Street analysts.
The number of state officials and utilities announcing actions because of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act signed by President Trump last month keeps growing.
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