Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
With another active Atlantic hurricane season expected for 2021, participants in SERC’s spring extreme weather webinar urged utilities to prepare now.
TVA CEO Jeff Lyash hinted during the Atlantic Council’s Innovation and the Future of Energy webinar that the federal utility could cease coal use by 2035.
Despite progress in reducing GHGs, Southeastern utilities aren't poised to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy said.
A leading advocate for green power in the Southeast is calling on the Tennessee Valley Authority to operate a carbon-free grid by the end of this decade.
Sponsors of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market told FERC it should OK the proposal as is, saying critics’ objections are flawed or irrelevant.
Policymakers discussed the US' potential for advanced nuclear power at a hearing of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.
NERC’s proposed virtualization-related updates to its critical infrastructure protection standards are headed for another round of revisions.
Six utilities in the Southeast, including AEP, Duke and TVA, have banded together with a plan to create “a seamless network” of fast-charging EV stations.
Utilities and co-ops in 11 Southeastern states asked FERC for permission to expand bilateral trading in the region and allow 15-minute energy transactions.
Utility disregard and an absence of state policy is holding back energy efficiency in the Southeast, the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy said.
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