transmission congestion
Real-time price data from 2018 indicate the ISO-NE grid is nearly free of congestion, stakeholders learned during a PAC teleconference.
The MISO Board of Directors learned about the recent discovery that PJM had been committing two market-to-market (M2M) errors.
Monitor David Patton said PJM has for years been committing two market-to-market operations errors that have possibly cost MISO millions of dollars.
FERC rejected SPP’s proposed cost allocation for its seams project with Associated Electric Cooperative Inc.
CAISO dropped a proposal that would have allowed third-party transmission providers to participate in the EIM after getting negative feedback on the plan.
SPP’s on-again, off-again high-priority congestion study of the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles region is on once again following approval by the Board.
The SPP Strategic Planning Committee directed RTO staff to move forward with a high-priority congestion study that earlier failed to gain traction.
CAISO's Monitor said the ISO must address flaws in its proposal to allow third-party transmission providers to make unused capacity available to the EIM.
SPP stakeholders spent two hours discussing the need for a congestion study in the Texas Panhandle, only to determine that more discussion is needed.
MISO staff and the Independent Market Monitor agreed that the surge in MISO South outages are troubling and should be addressed.
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