transmission incentives
FERC partially accepted Dayton Power and Light’s transmission rate incentives request, requiring more information on its petition for an RTO participation adder.
Panelists during WIRES’ virtual Summer Meeting discussed the impact of the pandemic on transmission rate structures, Order 1000 and FERC's incentives NOPR.
FERC’s proposed new approach to awarding transmission incentives drew some support but also generated much sticker shock among stakeholders.
California Public Utilities Commission members criticized FERC’s proposal to double its transmission incentive adder and make the adders easier to get.
FERC said it won’t rehear a case on whether Pacific Gas and Electric deserves a $30 million annual incentive adder for staying in CAISO.
Infocast’s annual Transmission Summit East once again drew about 100 industry professionals last week to the top floor of the Key Bridge Marriott.
FERC approved the New York Power Authority’s request for transmission rate incentives for its portion of a new AC transmission line.
FERC was skeptical of a proposal by Trans Bay Cable for an increase in its transmission revenues and a $10 million annual reserve in case of wildfires.
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