December 22, 2024

transmission planning

FirstEnergy Solutions
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: April 12, 2022
PJM proposes a new subcommittee to continue discussions of interconnection process changes after the Interconnection Process Reform Task Force wraps up.
Principle Power
West Coast Wind Faces Big Challenges
The Pacific Offshore Wind Summit addressed the challenges of a West Coast wind industry that needs improved ports, transmission and enormous floating turbines.
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Nonprofits Push Entergy on Transmission Planning
Nonprofits pushed Entergy to embrace large scale transmission expansion to adjust to more renewable fleets at an Entergy Regional State Committee Working Group.
NYPSC Mandates Meshed Offshore Tx Grids
The New York Public Service Commission approved requiring offshore wind project developers to provide “mesh-ready” transmission plans in their bids.
PJM Energy Transition Study Released
PJM launched a multiyear initiative on the increasing integration of renewables with the release of a study on the transformation of generation.
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NARUC Panelists Optimistic on Transmission Planning ANOPR
Utility and RTO officials at NARUC’s annual meeting expressed hope for FERC’s recent ANOPR aimed at improving regional transmission planning.
SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Briefs: Oct. 26, 2021
SPP’s Board of Directors approved the RTO’s third competitive transmission project, awarding a 345-kV line’s construction to NextEra Energy Transmission.
SPP: Consolidating Tx Planning Could Yield Big Savings
SPP says that consolidating its transmission planning processes would save $9 million annually and produce a more holistic view of its transmission needs.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: July 22, 2021
Eversource Energy will replace underground conductors in central Massachusetts to mitigate environmental and reliability issues.
California Needs New Transmission for 100% Clean Energy
The West needs new transmission near term and far more in the long term for California to meets its goal to provide customers with 100% clean energy.

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