value of lost load (VoLL)

MISO Questions VOLL Pricing During Abnormal Events
After Hurricane Laura’s landfall, MISO is questioning whether its value-of-lost load should be used to price energy during extraordinary weather events.
MISO Bends to Renewable Realities in ’20, ’21
In 2020 MISO managed remotely, redefining reliability standards, reorganizing its capacity market and launching a long-term transmission planning effort.
MISO Monitor Reviews Blustery Fall
Fall in MISO was a study in record wind production, but it came with a price, as it produced more than half of the quarter’s real-time congestion.
MISO to File Emergency Pricing Changes
MISO said it will file with FERC updates to its emergency pricing design, hoping to spur more action from suppliers when conditions get risky.
Laura Pricing Has MISO Stakeholders Scratching Heads
A briefing by MISO staff on the record uplift in the RTO’s energy market caused by Hurricane Laura left stakeholders with more questions than answers.
MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs: Sept. 10, 2020
MISO expects adequate resources for the fall, though planned generator outages are expected to be higher this year.
MISO Enacts Rolling Blackouts in Laura Aftermath
Hurricane Laura’s lashing of south Louisiana and southeast Texas led MISO to implement last-resort rolling power outages.
MISO Revisits Scarcity Pricing Rethink
MISO is once again evaluating the effectiveness of the rules behind its scarcity pricing just three years after shelving a similar effort.
MISO Files Offer Cap Revisions Ahead of Schedule
MISO is hoping to avoid the need for a 6th straight waiver of its $1,000/MWh offer cap this winter, filing a year ahead of a FERC deadline.
Counterflow: Reliability Costs, Fox-Henhouse Regulation
Steve Huntoon, our Counteflow columnist, looks back at 4 years of his "scribblings" to see what he got right, what he got wrong, and what’s happened since.

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