February 23, 2025

Vermont Climate Council (VCC)

Jared and Corin, CC BY-SA-2.0, via Wikimedia
Modeling Shows Vt. Can Hit Decarbonization Targets Through 2050
Consultants to the Vermont Climate Council modeled GHG emission reductions based on proposed actions from the council’s Cross-sector Mitigation Subcommittee.
HopsonRoad, CC BY-3.0, via Wikimedia
Vermont Senator Says State Needs Formal Environmental Justice Policy
Vermont Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale first introduced an environmental justice bill in 2007, but the state hasn't codified an official policy on the issue yet.
Vermont Agency of Agriculture
Vermont Explores Upstream, Lifecycle Emissions as Supplement to GHG Accounting
The Vermont Climate Council will issue a request for information on how to conduct upstream and lifecycle emissions analyses.
Vt. Climate Council Searches for Equitable Social Cost of Carbon
The Vermont Climate Council heard recommendations for following New York’s model on establishing a social cost of carbon for climate action plan analyses.
‘Carbon-better’ is OK for Vt. Heating Sector, Climate Council Member Says
Vermont Climate Council member Jared Duval says that heating for cannot only be about carbon-neutrality if it’s to be equitable.
GlobalFoundries’ Bid for Vt. Utility Status Could Trip up 100% Renewable Proposal
Semiconductor manufacturer GlobalFoundries wants to procure its own electricity from ISO-NE and be exempt from the Vermont's renewable energy standard.
Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing
Vermont Climate Council Puts Clean Heat Standard on the Table
The Vermont Climate Council heard recommendations on how to reduce emissions for the electricity, thermal and transportation sectors.
Sunrise Maine
Solving for Equity in the Rates and Climate Policy Equation
Given Maine's ambitious climate policies, one state regulator sees a need to reconsider how the costs of those policies are allocated to ratepayers.
Engagement on Justice, Equity Challenges Vt. Climate Plan Timeline
Vermont Climate Council is concerned it won't have time for proper public dialogue on equity to inform the state's climate plan.
VT Climate Council Might Delay Release of Action Plan
The Vermont Climate Council could reinterpret its statutory obligations to delay delivery of the state's first climate action plan.

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