ERCOT, as well as SPP and MISO, comfortably met demand during last week’s latest round of winter weather, a welcome change from last February’s disaster.
ERCOT sailed through its second stress test of its winter readiness, easily meeting demand that came short of its peak during last February’s storm.
ERCOT is bracing for the second major cold front of the year, issuing an operating condition notice for Thursday and Friday ahead of “extreme cold weather.”
More than 100 insurance companies are suing ERCOT and generators for policy holders’ “significant property damage” during last February’s winter storm.
ERCOT and Texas regulators and politicians say the grid is ready for severe winter weather this time, but some stakeholders aren't so sure.
With Northeast states backing out of joining TCI-P, states now have a major funding gap for their plans to clean up the transportation sector.
ERCOT broke its silence on social media when it tweeted the release of its semiannual report that provides a 10-year forecast of its planning reserve margins.
ERCOT says it has received all but one winter readiness report from system generating resources as part of the state’s new winter readiness requirements.
Texas PUC Chair Peter Lake said "the lights will stay on" this winter, based on the commission's new weatherization rules and market changes.
David Kitto, CC0 1.0 Universal, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC and NERC released their final report on February's winter storms and the resulting mass outages, with recommendations for future preparedness.
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