March 10, 2025

Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)

Glick, Robb Call for Tx Build in West
FERC Chair Richard Glick and NERC CEO James Robb: The West needs to build transmission lines to connect renewable resources to load.
WECC Contingency Reserve Standard Ok’d
FERC gave final approval Thursday for NERC and WECC to introduce regional reliability standard BAL-002-WECC-3.
ERO Align Tool Goes Live for NERC, MRO, Texas RE
The first release of NERC's Align software platform and ERO Secure Evidence Locker is live for the organization, MRO and Texas RE.
FERC Dismisses Calif. Nuclear Complaint
FERC threw out a complaint by activist group CGNP against that sought to stop the closure of PG&E’s Diablo Canyon Power Plant.
Sleepless in the West: RCs Discuss Biggest Concerns
WECC gathered leaders from the Western Interconnection’s four reliability coordinators to ask what keeps them up at night.
WECC Reopening Offices to Willing Staff in April
Staff will be allowed to return to WECC’s Salt Lake City office on a voluntary basis beginning April 5, CEO Melanie Frye said.
RA at Risk in NWPP-Central, WECC Finds
WECC found the southern portion of the Northwest Power Pool region could fail to meet resource adequacy requirements for 3 hours this year.
Stakeholders Balk at WECC Oversight Plan
WECC stakeholders expressed their displeasure with a revised proposal to revamp its committee structure and appoint a new Committee Review Body.
FERC Approves $205,000 NorthWestern Settlement
FERC has accepted a settlement between WECC and NorthWestern Energy for violations of NERC reliability standards, under which the utility will pay $205,000.
Southern Calif. Could Fail RA Test, WECC Says
The California-Mexico subregion cannot maintain resource adequacy without imports, and the greatest risk of shortages is in Southern California, WECC said.

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