Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)
CAISO’s Board of Governors approved revisions to the ISO’s congestion revenue rights auction, and the EIM Governing Body approved Travis Kavulla as a member.
CAISO and PacifiCorp reaped the majority of the Western Energy Imbalance Market’s $42.1 million in gross benefits during the first quarter (Q1 2018).
Electric vehicles are increasing on California highways, but future growth is dependent on solving critical issues, PUC Commissioner Carla Peterman said.
Portland General Electric and the Bonneville Power Administration said Wednesday they have signed two agreements that will help PGE avert a generation shortage after it shuts down its coal-fired Boardman Generating Station in 2020.
The EIM Governing Body approved a set of market initiatives that represents a narrowed-down version of a package CAISO had proposed.
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