Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)
A representative of one of the staunchest opponents of past efforts to transform CAISO into an RTO said his labor union plans to sponsor the legislation needed to implement the “Step 2” proposal of the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative.
NV Energy’s decision to join CAISO's Extended Day-Ahead Market rather than SPP's Markets+ was based partly on concerns that participation in the latter would “lead to substantial expenditures with limited results,” a representative of the Nevada utility said.
First-quarter electricity prices in CAISO markets were down sharply from the same period in 2023, despite sharp spikes during the January cold snap in the Pacific Northwest, the ISO’s Department of Market Monitoring said.
The West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative has revised its “regional organization” stakeholder process proposal to expand the size of a key stakeholder committee and boost representation for some groups.
When Arizona utilities file their next integrated resource plans, they’ll be required to include an analysis of cost savings and other benefits they could realize from Western regional market participation.
The growth of battery storage resources in the West largely contributed to an "uneventful" summer on the grid, despite record-breaking peak loads and temperatures.
The next phase of the Price Formation Enhancements Initiative will look to address issues around market power mitigation, scarcity pricing and fast-start pricing.
The Western Interconnection reached a record-breaking peak load July 10 despite relatively moderate demand in CAISO, the ISO said during a meeting of its Market Performance and Planning Forum.
Stakeholder comments filed with the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative illustrate the complexity of building the new kind of Western regional organization envisioned by backers of the effort.
CAISO scored a geographically small but symbolically significant victory with the announcement that two Black Hills Energy subsidiaries will move to the ISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market.
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