September 29, 2024

Western Power Pool (WPP)

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NW Freeze Response Shows WEIM Value, CAISO Report Says
The 80-page report represents the latest volley in an ongoing skirmish among Western electricity sector stakeholders over what exactly occurred on the regional grid during the Jan. 12-16 deep freeze.
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NW Cold Snap Dispute Reflects Divisions over Western Markets

A dispute around the January cold snap that forced Northwest utilities to sharply increase electricity imports to meet surging demand has become a proxy for the broader day-ahead market contest between CAISO and SPP.

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WestTEC Transmission Effort Selects Stakeholder Committee

Western Power Pool has announced the 24 members of a stakeholder group that will participate in the West-wide transmission planning effort.

WPP: Cold Snap Showed ‘Tipping Point’ for Northwest Reliability
Imports from the Southwest and Rockies helped the Northwest survive January’s cold, showing the region’s reliability is at a “tipping point,” WPP said.
Group Looks to Create ‘Actionable’ West-wide Transmission Plan
Backers of the recently formed Western Transmission Expansion Coalition want to fill a void in the Western Interconnection by producing an “actionable” interregional transmission study.
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Oregon RA Rules Could Favor WRAP Participation

Oregon regulators are moving closer to adopting resource adequacy rules that would incentivize load-serving entities to join the Western Power Pool’s WRAP.

Western Transmission Initiatives Differ on Dealing with Cost Allocation

The backers of two separate initiatives to spur development of new transmission in the West are taking different approaches on when to deal with the issue of who should pay for projects.

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In West, Proposals for Tx Planning Proliferate Faster than New Lines

State-led CREPC should spearhead an effort to boost development of new transmission in the West, according to the findings of an initiative that included former FERC Chair Richard Glick.

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Plan Seeks to Boost Prospects for New Transmission in the West

The Western Power Pool floated a plan to revamp transmission planning in the West to spur development of the kind of large-scale transmission projects FERC’s Order 1000 has failed to produce.

Public Service Co. of New Mexico Joins WRAP
Public Service Co. of New Mexico joined the Western Power Pool's Western Resource Adequacy Program, bringing the number of participants to 22.

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