Western Power Pool (WPP)
CEO Sarah Edmonds would like to see the WRAP become “binding” on its participants as soon as possible, but making that transition could still be years away.
The Energy Bar Association Western Chapter heard panelists and CAISO's CEO discuss rapidly evolving efforts to organize markets and an RA program in the West.
FERC approved the tariff for the Western Power Pool's Western Resource Adequacy Program, allowing the binding phase of the program to commence in 2025.
A key California lawmaker introduced a bill to allow CAISO to become a Western RTO by expanding its governance to include representatives from other states.
SPP continues to make a misnomer out of the "Southwest" portion of its name, expanding its beachhead in the Western Interconnection along several fronts.
Nearly a dozen utilities committed to joining the “binding” iteration of the Western Resource Adequacy Program, with more expected to sign on later this month.
Energy leaders from California and other Western states met in a workshop to explore the benefits of developing regional markets, including one or more RTOs.
FERC asked for more information on the Western Resource Adequacy Program, including how it would accommodate participants without market-based rate authority.
The WPP's future independent board will include the previous PJM CEO, a former member of WEIM's Governing Body and WPP’s present board chair, among others.
The Western Markets Exploratory Group made a rare public presentation at CREPC-WIRAB of its behind-the-scenes work evaluating market options for the West.
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