September 29, 2024

Western Power Pool (WPP)

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FERC Commissioners Opine on Western RTO
Commissioners Mark Christie and James Danly addressed the pros and cons of the West’s pursuit of greater market coordination at the fall CREPC-WIRAB meeting.
WPP Shares First Stats from Western RA Program
WPP's Western Resource Adequacy Program issued its first findings, a broad survey of capacity and needs across much of the Western Interconnection.
Western Power Pool Board Approves WRAP Tariff
The Western Power Pool approved the tariff for its Western Resource Adequacy Program, readying the first-of-its-kind program for review by FERC.
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SPP Continues to Build on Markets+ Offering
SPP and Western entities interested in the RTO’s Markets+ “RTO light” offering continued to inch toward each other during another development session.
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SPP Woos Western Utilities with Markets+ Offering
SPP is continuing its delicate dance with Western utilities with a charm offensive that includes a first-hand look at the RTO’s sausage-making process.
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CREPC-WIRAB Weighs Western Transmission, Markets
The CREPC-WIRAB spring meeting focused on regional markets and transmission planning in the West, including FERC's recent transmission planning NOPR.
Western Utilities to Support SPP Market Development
A group of Western utilities plans to help SPP develop its Markets+ program in the West and to examine the benefits of joining it or CAISO's day-ahead market.
SPP to Phase Out WEIS as New Market Offerings Expand
SPP said it plans to close its Western Energy Imbalance Service, with members joining either its proposed Markets+ program or its Western RTO.
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BPA Foresees No Capacity Deficits in Binding WRAP
BPA should have enough generation to avoid capacity deficits if it decides to join the “binding” phase of the Western Resource Adequacy Program.
Western Power Pool Names New CEO
Western Power Pool named Sarah Edmonds as new CEO as it seeks to incorporate much of the Western Interconnection into its growing resource adequacy program.

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