Western Power Pool (WPP)
Energy leaders from California and other Western states met in a workshop to explore the benefits of developing regional markets, including one or more RTOs.
FERC asked for more information on the Western Resource Adequacy Program, including how it would accommodate participants without market-based rate authority.
The WPP's future independent board will include the previous PJM CEO, a former member of WEIM's Governing Body and WPP’s present board chair, among others.
The Western Markets Exploratory Group made a rare public presentation at CREPC-WIRAB of its behind-the-scenes work evaluating market options for the West.
Commissioners Mark Christie and James Danly addressed the pros and cons of the West’s pursuit of greater market coordination at the fall CREPC-WIRAB meeting.
WPP's Western Resource Adequacy Program issued its first findings, a broad survey of capacity and needs across much of the Western Interconnection.
The Western Power Pool approved the tariff for its Western Resource Adequacy Program, readying the first-of-its-kind program for review by FERC.
SPP and Western entities interested in the RTO’s Markets+ “RTO light” offering continued to inch toward each other during another development session.
SPP is continuing its delicate dance with Western utilities with a charm offensive that includes a first-hand look at the RTO’s sausage-making process.
The CREPC-WIRAB spring meeting focused on regional markets and transmission planning in the West, including FERC's recent transmission planning NOPR.
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