September 29, 2024

Western Power Trading Forum

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CAISO Wins (Nearly) Sweeping FERC Approval for EDAM
CAISO marked a key milestone in its Western expansion efforts after FERC approved nearly every aspect of its proposed Extended Day-Ahead Market.
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FERC Approves CAISO Wheel-through Rule Changes

FERC approved a raft of CAISO tariff changes intended to ease temporary restrictions on wheeling power through the ISO’s grid under emergency conditions.

CAISO GHG Working Group Seeks Clarity on Problems, Definitions
A meeting of CAISO’s Greenhouse Gas Coordination Working Group illustrated the complexity Western stakeholders confront in addressing greenhouse gasses in the region’s expanding electricity markets.
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In Contest for the West, Markets+ Gathers Momentum — and Skeptics
While some stakeholders are ‘charmed’ by SPP’s market initiative effort, others urge need for deeper tie to CAISO.
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CAISO Stakeholders Weigh EDAM Proposal
CAISO stakeholders commented on elements of the revised straw proposal to add an extended day-ahead market to the Western Energy Imbalance Market.
Calif. Participants Float ‘Central Buyer’ RA Plan
California stakeholders have proposed replacing the state’s resource adequacy framework with a “central buyer” responsible for procuring resources.
Western Grid’s Future Debated at CPREC-WIRAB Meeting
The formation of a Western energy market was a contentious topics of discussion at the fall joint meeting of CREPC and WIRAB.
PJM Chief Confident on Western Market Proposal
At a meeting of the Western Power Trading Forum, PJM CEO Andy Ott sat down with RTO Insider to discuss the new Peak Reliability/PJM Connext market proposal.
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Western Stakeholders Support Continuing EIM Regional Forum
Stakeholders and EIM Governing Body members gathered in Las Vegas to express their support for the CAISO-created Regional Issues Forum.

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