Western RTO

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SPP Brings Back Ex-staffer to Develop Western Services
SPP has welcomed back ex-staffer Carrie Simpson to lead the continued development of its service offerings in the Western Interconnection.
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CAISO, NREL Start to Study Western Cooperation
CAISO began a stakeholder process under ACR 188, a legislative request to examine the economic and environmental benefits of regional cooperation in the West.
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NV Energy Seeks Recovery of RTO-related Expenses
NV Energy is seeking approval from Nevada regulators to establish an account for tracking expenses related to its efforts to join an RTO by 2030.
Andre m, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia
California Legislature Asks CAISO to Report on Regionalization
The California State Legislature passed a resolution requesting that CAISO report on efforts to create an RTO in the West and its potential benefits.
Study Tallies Economy-wide Benefits of Western RTO
A Western RTO could yield significant economic benefits, adding billions to the region’s GDP and generating thousands of new jobs, a new report says.
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CREPC-WIRAB Weighs Western Transmission, Markets
The CREPC-WIRAB spring meeting focused on regional markets and transmission planning in the West, including FERC's recent transmission planning NOPR.
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CAISO Issues EDAM Straw Proposal for the West
CAISO issued a straw proposal for its extended day-ahead offering in the Western Energy Imbalance Market, a renewed effort at greater Western regionalization.
Western Utilities to Support SPP Market Development
A group of Western utilities plans to help SPP develop its Markets+ program in the West and to examine the benefits of joining it or CAISO's day-ahead market.
SPP to Phase Out WEIS as New Market Offerings Expand
SPP said it plans to close its Western Energy Imbalance Service, with members joining either its proposed Markets+ program or its Western RTO.
EBA Panelists: Western RTO Complicated but Necessary
The Rocky Mountain chapter of the Energy Bar Association hosted a panel to discuss the intricacies of creating an organized market in the West.

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