September 29, 2024

zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs)

Lion Electric
California Energy Commission Approves $2.9B Clean Transportation Plan
The California Energy Commission approved $2.9 billion in clean-transportation funding through 2026, primarily for charging light- medium- and heavy-duty EVs.
California PUC OKs $1B EV Charging Program
The California Public Utilities Commission OK'd $1 billion for electric-vehicle charging infrastructure, with 70% of it for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.
Nevada Dept. of Transportation
Nevada Panel Recommends Road Usage Charge for ZEVs
A Nevada advisory panel is recommending the state adopt a mileage-based road usage charge for ZEVs to replace lost gas tax revenues.
CARB: ACC II PHEV Provision Designed to Drive ZEV Adoption
With a provision for PHEVs, California’s Advanced Clean Cars II regulations won’t completely eliminate internal combustion engines in new vehicles.
Oregon DEQ
Oregon Moving Quickly to Adopt Advanced Clean Cars II Rules
Oregon regulators are racing to adopt by year-end a California rule requiring all new cars sold in the state to be zero-emission or plug-in hybrid by 2035.
California Adopts Rule Banning Gas-powered Car Sales in 2035
CARB adopted regulations that will require all new cars sold in the state to be zero-emission or plug-in hybrid by 2035, a trailblazing move, the agency says.
California PUC Adopts Submetering for EV Charging
The California PUC adopted a submetering protocol to let EV owners be billed at lower rates for charging, the first such program in the nation.
CARB Awaits EPA Decision on Advanced Clean Trucks Rule
California regulators are awaiting approval from the EPA for a rule that would require an increasing percentage of trucks sold in the state to be zero emission.
California CORE
Funds Going Quickly in Calif. Clean Off-road Voucher Program
A California program to encourage the purchase of zero-emission off-road equipment has handed out more than $100 million in incentives since reopening.
California Wealth Tax for EVs Heads to Ballot
An initiative that proposes taxing wealthy Californians to provide a dedicated funding source for EV rebates and charging qualified for November's ballot.

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