September 29, 2024

zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs)

NY Considers Rulemaking for Medium to Heavy ZEVs
New York officials told stakeholders the state hopes to adopt medium- and heavy-duty zero emission vehicle standards by the end of the year.
Calif., NY, DC top ACEEE EV Scorecard
The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy released its first-ever State Transportation Electrification Scorecard.
Knowledge Gaps Seen as Barrier to Vehicle Electrification
A report by the Rocky Mountain Institute says that successful electrification of fleets will influence the rest of the transportation sector.
California Energy Commission Updates Long-Term Forecast
The California Energy Commission updated its 2020-2030 forecast to account for the COVID-19 pandemic and increased electric-vehicle charging.
Calif. Governor Proposes $1.5 Billion for ZEVs
California Gov. Gavin Newsom proposed investing $1.5 billion in zero-emission vehicles to accelerate their adoption as part of his $227 billion budget plan.
CAISO to Focus on Resource Adequacy in 2021
CAISO’s top priority in 2021 will be making sure there is enough generating capacity for summer after last year’s shortfalls.
Hydrogen for FCEVs Gets Big Boost in California
The California Energy Commission allocated up to $116 million to install fueling stations for hydrogen-powered fuel cell electric vehicles.
Researchers Seek Ways to Jump Start Fleet Electrification
The Environmental Defense Fund created a “toolkit” to help bus and truck fleet owners make the switch to electric vehicles.
California EPIC Symposium Talks Trees and EVs
Stakeholders discussed the proliferation of electric vehicles and forest management at the California Energy Commission's EPIC Symposium.
Can California Meet Its EV Mandates?
Questions remain about whether California can install enough chargers, sell enough EVs and build sufficient generation to meet its ambitious goals.

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