March 25, 2025

May 2020

Online Protesters Reject NY Gas Supply Plans
More than 130 New Yorkers gathered in an online forum to protest the possibility of National Grid increasing the state’s supply of natural gas.
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Exelon, FE Ask PJM to Tighten Sector Selection Process
Exelon and FirstEnergy called on PJM to police stakeholder sector selections after LS Power had an affiliate improperly voting in the senior committees.
NEPOOL Transmission Committee Briefs: May 27, 2020
The NEPOOL Transmission Committee voted to recommend the Participants Committee support ISO-NE’s filing to address rejected portions its FERC Order 845 compliance filing.
Price Tag Rising for MTEP 20
The 2020 MISO Transmission Expansion Plan contains 510 proposed projects at a combined $4.06 billion, the priciest since the RTO's 2011 MVP portfolio.
PJM MRC Briefs: May 28, 2020
The PJM MRC endorsed a proposal to allow market participants to use surety bonds as collateral for all market purposes except financial transmission rights.
NERC Expands Self-logging During Pandemic
NERC and the regional entities have temporarily expanded their self-logging program to allow registered entities to focus on their response to the pandemic.
Texas RE Board Briefs: May 27, 2020
PUC Chair DeAnn Walker took advantage of a NERC trustee’s presence at a virtual Texas RE board meeting to plead for ERCOT representation on the ERO’s board.
FERC OKs Payment Rules for IROL Facilities
FERC approved a procedure for “critical” New England generators and transmission operators to obtain compensation for compliance with NERC rules.
Pandemic Adds to 2020 Hurricane Season Challenges
Utilities expect mutual assistance plans to help the U.S. grid weather a predicted active Atlantic hurricane season, even in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: May 27, 2020
NYISO has suspended the sequestration of its control room operators as New York begins its recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

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