March 25, 2025

November 2021

Crowezr, CC BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia
OVEC Hit with $300K in NERC Penalties
FERC approved a $300,000 penalty against the Ohio Valley Electric Corp. for multiple violations of NERC's standards for vegetation management.
Government of Canada
Experts Talk Carbon Markets at Ontario Energy Conference
Canada has a price on carbon pollution, but it’s not a perfect system, said a speaker at the annual Association of Power Producers of Ontario conference.
BARC Electric Cooperative
Stark Choice for Va. Regulators on Shared-solar ‘Minimum Bill’
Dominion Energy's plan to charge shared-solar subscribers a "minimal bill" of at least $75/month could kill the program, Virginia regulators were told.
NECEC Halts Tx Line Construction, Regulators Suspend Env. Permit
DEP Commissioner Melanie Loyzim determined that new statutory changes in Maine would prevent the developers of NECEC from building the line as permitted.
Musashi1600, CC BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia
Honolulu Rail Project Seeks New Tax to Help Close Budget Gap
The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation recommended a tax on tourists to help pay for a $3.5 billion budget shortfall in the city’s light-rail project.
New Jersey Division of Rate Coun
Veteran Litigator Appointed Head of NJ Rate Counsel
Gov. Phil Murphy appointed Brian Lipman, a veteran litigator and senior executive at the state Division of Rate Counsel, to lead the consumer advocacy agency.
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ACORE Report: Time to Rethink Resource Adequacy
A new report from ACORE argues that industry needs to rethink the concept of resource adequacy to get more renewable energy online and decarbonize the grid.
NM Draft Bill Would Encourage Hydrogen Buildout
New Mexico has released a “stakeholder discussion draft” of a bill that would offer tax breaks as an incentive for developing hydrogen infrastructure.
Friends of Sears Island
Maine Eyes $284M OSW Hub at Port of Searsport
Maine’s OSW Port Infrastructure Feasibility study evaluated the Port of Searsport and found Sears Island and Mack Point were the best options for development.
SEEM Members Embrace Market Changes
Proponents of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market asked FERC to approve several changes to the new market, which was instituted last month.

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