February 23, 2025
PJM MRC/MC Preview: Sept. 26, 2019
A summary of the issues scheduled to be brought to a vote at the PJM Markets and Reliability and Members committees on Sept. 26, 2019.

Below is a summary of the issues scheduled to be brought to a vote at the PJM Markets and Reliability and Members committees on Thursday. Each item is listed by agenda number, description and projected time of discussion, followed by a summary of the issue and links to prior coverage in RTO Insider.

RTO Insider will be in Valley Forge, Pa., covering the discussions and votes. See next Tuesday’s newsletter for a full report.

Markets and Reliability Committee

Consent Agenda (9:10-9:15)

The MRC will be asked to endorse revisions to:

B. Manual 11: Energy & Ancillary Services. The revisions document the procedure for addressing missing historical performance scores in the regulation market and clarify that the reserve requirements used in the market clearing process are based on the largest single contingencies that are communicated by PJM Operations and modeled in the markets clearing software.

C. Manual 27: Open Access Transmission Tariff Accounting and Manual 28: Operating Agreement Accounting. The changes, required to comply with FERC Order 841, detail PJM settlement procedures for “charging energy,” which is purchased by energy storage resources for later resale. Charging energy is always billed at the applicable LMP but different categories of charging energy are subject to different sets of charges. They include “direct charging energy” — power purchased by a storage resource from the PJM energy market for later resales to the market or is lost to conversion inefficiencies — and “load-serving charging energy,” which is purchased from the energy market and stored for later resale to end-use load.

1. Non-retail BTM Generation Rules (9:15-9:30)

Stakeholders will vote on revisions to Manuals 13 and 14D to clarify the reporting, netting and operational requirements of non-retail behind-the-meter generation (NRBTMG). In Manual 13, maximum generation emergency actions and deploy all resource actions are identified as triggers to load NRBTMG. (See “BTM Generation Clarifications,” PJM OC Briefs: Aug. 6, 2019.)

The vote follows a one-month deferral requested by Exelon in order to review applying the rules to community solar programs and aggregate net energy metering. Both PJM and Exelon told the Operating Committee on Sept. 10 that compromise language was close to being finalized which excluded both types from reporting requirements. (See “Non-retail BTM Generation Update,” PJM OC Briefs: Sept. 10, 2019.)

Members Committee

Consent Agenda (1:20-1:25)

Members will be asked to endorse the following manual revisions:

B. Manual 15: Cost Development Guidelines. To comply with FERC Order 841, changes were made to language on hydro resources and flywheels. Definitions were added for efficiency factor, fuel cost, variable operations and maintenance (VOM) and ancillary service costs.

1. PJM Manuals (1:25-1:45)

Members will vote on revisions to Manual 34: PJM Stakeholder Process that were developed during the Stakeholder Process Super Forum over the last year (See “New Rules to Give PJM Members More Time on Issues.”)

Three separate proposals will address the prioritization of issues, creating an alternative path for critical, time-sensitive issues and ensuring transparency throughout the process.

– Christen Smith

PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)PJM Members Committee (MC)

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