February 21, 2025
Demand Response Changes: Baseline Measurements, Information Requirements, Duplicate Registrations
On Feb. 28, the MRC endorsed demand response proposals concerning emergency measurement, information requirements for Curtailment Service Providers (CSP) and...

On Feb. 28, the MRC endorsed demand response proposals concerning emergency measurement, information requirements for Curtailment Service Providers (CSP) and procedures for resolving duplicate registrations. The changes were proposed by the Demand Response Subcommittee.

Emergency Measurement and Verification

Reason for change: A study by Kema Energy Consultants found that that the economic method of determining Customer Base Line (CBL) is more accurate than the emergency method. Energy settlement rules were unclear for overlaps between economic and emergency events for the same DR resource. Economic CBL rule included emergency event days in CBL day selection process.


  • If a CSP is listed as an economic registration, economic CBL will be used to determine load reduction; otherwise the existing hour before method will be used. (OATT, OA: Emergency Load Response Program changes; Manual 11, section 10.4 changes)
  • Clarify that demand resource dispatched for both economics and emergency conditions will be settled based on emergency energy settlement rules. (OATT, OA: Emergency Load Response Program changes; Manual 11, section 10.4 changes)
  • Selection of Economic CBL days will exclude emergency event days. (OATT, OA: 10.3A.2 changes)

Increased Information Requirements for Curtailment Service Providers

Expands and clarifies information reporting requirements for Curtailment Service Providers on the source of DR capability, business segment and on-site generation attributes.

Reason for change: PJM said reporting requirements were not adequately documented and information was sometimes incomplete.


  • Clarify requirements in Manual 11, section 10.2.2
  • Eliminate use of “Other” category to ensure reasonable information is provided
  • Expand on-site generation attributes to include: Generator vintage, retrofit nameplate rating, permit status and permit type.

Most CSPs have already provided updated data.

Resolving Duplicate Registrations

Changes the resolution process used when different Curtailment Service Providers register the same end use customer.

Reason for change: Two CSPs sometimes attempt to register the same end-use customer, potentially creating double payment for the same service.

Impact: When two CSPs claim an end-use customer, both will be given five business days to contact the customer to affirm the customer’s selection and notify PJM that they have a valid contract. If only one CSP affirms they have a valid contract that registration will proceed. The registration will be terminated if neither CSP affirms they have a valid contract or both CSPs continue to claim the customer. Changes to Manual 11, section 10.2.

PJM Contact: Pete Langbein

Demand ResponseEnergy EfficiencyPJM Market Implementation Committee (MIC)PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)

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