Manual Change: Internal Sources and Sinks (M28)
The following PJM manual change was approved by the Markets and Reliability Committee on Feb. 28, 2013, effective March 1, 2013. For more information, contac...

The following PJM manual change was approved by the Markets and Reliability Committee on Feb. 28, 2013, effective March 1, 2013. For more information, contact PJM Member Relations.

Manual 28: Operating Agreement – removal of internal sources and sinks / OASIS Regional Practices document

Reason for change: To address the removal of internal sources and sinks as an option for external Day Ahead and Real Time markets transactions on OASIS. The removal of internal sources and sinks was approved by MRC April 27, 2011 at the recommendation of the Independent Market Monitor.

Impact: Eliminates potential for uncollected congestion charges for Not Willing to Pay Congestion Transactions. Moves charges from explicit to implicit billing line item.

  • Added language in Regional Practices section 1.1 and Manual 28 (Section 2: Interface Pricing) to clarify that source and sink choices on OASIS are limited to the path border point for all products.
  • Exceptions may be granted for:
    • Existing grandfathered transmission service reservations and potential future grandfathered transmission service reservations that may be created with a new transmission owner integration.
    • Reservations for dynamic schedules. Such reservations will explicitly identify the source for a generator or the sink for a load.  OASIS administrators will update the reservation upon confirming the exception.  When ARRs are requested, the customer will indicate the source and sink in the customer comments section of the reservation.

PJM Contacts: Mike Colby; Eric Hsia

PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)PJM Other Committees & Taskforces

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