Tariff Changes OK’d for East Kentucky Integration
The Members Committee approved tariff and agreement changes to allow integration of the East Kentucky Power Cooperative into PJM effective June 1. The change...

The Members Committee approved tariff and agreement changes to allow integration of the East Kentucky Power Cooperative into PJM effective June 1. The changes, which affect the tariff, operating agreement, reliability assurance agreement and transmission owners’ agreement, are similar to those made for the recent integrations of American Transmission Systems, Inc. and Duke Energy Ohio and Kentucky.

The Markets and Reliability Committee also heard a first read on changes required to Manual 13: Emergency Operations.

The 16-member cooperative, which joined PJM as an Other Supplier in 2005, estimates it will save almost $132 million over the next decade by taking advantage of PJM’s economies of scale and generation diversity. The winter-peaking system (2,500 MW) will increase PJM’s generation capacity by 2.5% and transmission net­work by 4%. (See earlier story.)

KentuckyPJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)PJM Members Committee (MC)PJM Other Committees & Taskforces

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