CIP Audit Finds 4 Potential Violations
Last month’s audit of PJM’s adherence to Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) standards may result in up to four potential violations, PJM officials told...

Last month’s audit of PJM’s adherence to Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) standards may result in up to four potential violations, PJM officials told the Operating Committee May 7.

Two of the issues were reported by PJM before the audit by ReliabilityFirst Corp. and SERC Reliability Corp. and may not result in violation notices, PJM spokesman Ray Dotter said. Dotter said the other two were minor issues that posed no risk to the system. “In fact, it was noted that PJM’s strong compliance program and its commitment to compliance allowed” completion of the audit in only two and one-half days, half the time scheduled, Dotter added.

The draft report detailing the violations has not been released.

Correction: In its April 16 edition, PJM Insider incorrectly referred to a ReliabilityFirst/SERC audit that had no findings as a CIP audit. That reference was to a separate RFC/SERC audit focused on transmission system operations and planning.

PJM Operating Committee (OC)Reliability

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