September 28, 2024
Manual Changes Approved on May 30 at the PJM MRC
The Markets and Reliability Committee gave final approvals to the following manual revisions at their meeting this past Thursday, May 30, 2013.

The Markets and Reliability Committee gave final approvals to the following manual revisions at their meeting this past Thursday.

  • Electronic Notifications for Curtailment Service Providers: Changes to Man­u­als 1 and 18 will imple­ment an auto­mated process that will allow Cur­tail­ment Service Providers to pro­vide oper­a­tional data to — and receive dis­patch instruc­tions from — PJM. The new Load Response System (eLRS) process replaces the current manual methods, which rely on email and spreadsheets.

See “Manual Changes to Implement Electronic Notification System.”

  • Resid­ual Zone Pric­ing: Resid­ual Zone Pric­ing will replace phys­i­cal zone LMPs for real-time load effec­tive June 1, 2015. A Resid­ual Zone is an aggre­gate of all load buses in the phys­i­cal zone, exclud­ing load priced at nodal locations. The change was endorsed by the Mem­bers Com­mit­tee in Feb­ru­ary 2012 and approved by FERC in Docket ER13-347.

See “Manual, Tariff Changes: Residual Zones, EKPC, Loss of Internet, Regulation Market.”

  • East Ken­tucky Power Coop­er­a­tive: PJM needs to add the East Ken­tucky Power Coop­er­ative zone into PJM mar­kets man­u­als to accommodate the coop’s inte­gra­tion into PJM, effec­tive June 1.

See “Manual, Tariff Changes: Residual Zones, EKPC, Loss of Internet, Regulation Market.”

  • NERC Reliability Standards: PJM needs to amend M-36: System Restoration to reflect NERC Standards EOP-005-2 (System Restoration Plans) and EOP-006-2 (Reliability Coordination – System Restoration).  Updates for consistency with other RTOs; updates underfrequency load shed tables; incorporates recommendations from RFC/SERC audit, and adds specific references to transmission operator restoration plans.
  • Manual 03A:  Energy Management System (EMS) Model Updates and Quality Assurance: The changes include numerous edits for updates and clarity.

See “Manual 03: Transmission Operations.”

  • Regulation Market Cost-Based Offers:  New rules imple­mented in Octo­ber require reg­u­la­tion offers to include capa­bil­ity (cost, in $/MWh to reserve a resource for reg­u­la­tion) and per­for­mance (costs of track­ing the reg­u­la­tion sig­nal in miles/MW).  Pre­vi­ous rules, as defined in Man­ual 15, did not include per­for­mance costs.

See “Manual, Tariff Changes: Residual Zones, EKPC, Loss of Internet, Regulation Market.”

  • Manual 35: Definitions and Acronyms: Adds language to Economic Maximum and Economic Minimum definitions; changed Operations Analysis Working Group to Operations Assessment Working Group; Replaced TTV4TF (TO/TOP Version 4 Task Force) with TTMS (TO/TOP Matrix Subcommittee).
  • NERC standard PRC-023-2: Updates to Manual 14B: PJM Region Transmission Planning Process are required to implement standard PRC-023-2 (Transmission Relay Loadability). PJM annually develops a transmission facility list to comply with NERC criteria.
  • Manual 03: Transmission Operations: Semi-annual update to incorporate procedural changes.
PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)PJM Other Committees & Taskforces

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