February 24, 2025
MRC Backs Industrials’ Call for Transparency in Transmission Owner Calculations
Susan Bruce, an attorney who represents industrial energy users, won approval for a problem statement that could result in requirements that transmission own...

Susan Bruce, an attorney who represents industrial energy users, won approval for a problem statement that could result in requirements that transmission owners make tariff filings disclosing their calcula­tion of total hourly energy obligations, peak load contributions, and network ser­vice peak loads. The calculations are used to allocate energy, capacity, and transmis­sion cost responsibility among load serv­ing entities.

The problem statement alleges that many of PJM’s transmission owners have failed to file tariffs disclosing the methodology they use to make their calculations, in violation of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission rules.

State Concerns

“A lot of these issues are state issues governed by our supplier tariff,” said John Brodbeck, of Pepco Holdings Inc. “We have a concern if this results in a PJM standard. That means we have to go back to four statehouses and change our supplier tariff.”

Bruce acknowledged “it’s a tricky issue” but said her intent was not to create a PJM standard.

The problem statement, which was assigned to MRC, was approved with two objections and one abstention. Members said the Transmission Owners Agreement-Administrative Committee is scheduled to discuss the issue at its next meeting July 8.

PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)Transmission Operations

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