September 15, 2024
MRC First Read on Proposed Manual Changes
Manual 14B: PJM Region Transmission Planning Process
The MRC heard first readings on two proposed manual changes. The changes were to manual 14B and 28. Read our story for details.

Reason for changes: Updates to reflect changes from FERC Order 1000, switch to two-year planning cycle and revised benefit/cost test for Market Efficiency projects.

Impact: Adds a new section (2.1.2) on Market Efficiency projects and modifies planning time horizons.

Manual 28: Operating Agreement Accounting

Reason for changes: Incorporating changes to lost opportunity cost compensation as approved by FERC in Docket ER13-1200.


  • Lost opportunity costs will be limited to the lesser of a unit’s economic maximum or maximum facility output.
  • Revises section 7.2 to incorporate details regarding shortage pricing (non-synchronized reserve lost opportunity cost calculations).
  • Clarifies revisions to section 5 regarding exempting deviations during shortage conditions and associating interfaces to the East or West BOR regions.
PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)PJM Other Committees & TaskforcesTransmission Planning

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