February 25, 2025
Improved DR Baseline Processes OKd
PJM briefed members Wednesday on manual changes documenting two improved methods for CBL, a means for better verifying dr baseline processes.

PJM briefed members Wednesday on manual changes documenting two improved methods for verifying demand response providers’ customer baselines (CBL).

The CBL is used to forecast how much power a resource would have used absent DR. The two methods being added to Manual 11 are already permitted and one is in limited use.

The Same Day (3 + 2) method bases the CBL on the average of three hours before event (after skipping one hour) and two hours after event (after skipping one hour). For an event occurring in hours ending 13-17, for example, PJM would average hours ending 9-11 and 19-20.

The Match Day (3-day average) method uses an average of the three non-event days with the most similar load to the non-event hours on the event day. The hour before and after the event are excluded from the “non-event” hours.

Demand ResponseEnergy EfficiencyPJM Market Implementation Committee (MIC)

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