Revised Charters OKd for System Information, Dispatcher Training Subcommittees
The Operating Committee last week endorsed revised charters for the System Information subcommittee.

The Operating Committee last week endorsed revised charters for the System Information and Dispatcher Training subcommittees.

System Information Subcommitee

Reason for change: Introduction of synchrophasor technology systems to PJM.

Impact: Adds language to core competencies: “SIS members should be knowledgeable in both Information Technology and the generation, transmission and economic operation of the electric power grid. The member should be a leader in either the operations or markets area of their company.”

SIS members are appointed by their Operating Committee member.

Dispatcher Training Subcommittee

Reason for change: The charter was never updated after the subcommittee was upgraded from a task force.

Impact: Removes outdated references; notes that subcommittee reports to Operating Committee.


PJM Operating Committee (OC)

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