September 28, 2024
Manual Changes
PJM Members endorsed the changes to manuals 3A, 14A and 28.

The Markets and Reliability Committee last week endorsed changes to manuals 3A, 14A and 28:

Manual 3A: Energy Management System (EMS) Model Updates and Quality Assurance (QA)

Reason for Changes: General update.

Impacts: Updates contact information; definitions; Adds model validation and benchmark tests in response to FERC audit finding 13.

Manual 14A: Generation and Transmission Interconnection Process

Reason for Changes: PJM/MISO JCM update.

Impacts: Defines times when interconnection request information will be exchanged and studied; Reinforces JOA requirements to impose the applicable study criteria; Describes Transmission Service Request studies to be performed.

Manual 28: Operating Agreement Accounting

Reason for Changes: Section 5 – ER13-2413; Section 6 – Docket #ER14-297.

Impacts: Changes section 6.3 to increase penalties for resources that fail to provide assigned amounts of Tier 2 Synchronized Reserve. Changes section 5.2.6 to clarify the requirements that must be satisfied in order for wind resources to be eligible to receive Lost Opportunity Cost (LOC) credits.

PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)PJM Other Committees & Taskforces

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