Residential Demand Response Initiative Moves Forward
PJM members voted to begin work on rule changes to allow residential customers to participate in the synchronized reserve market through demand response.

The Market Implementation Committee approved an issue charge directing the Demand Response Subcommittee to consider ways to allow residential customers to participate in the synchronized reserve market through demand response.

The MIC approved a problem statement on the topic  last month. (See Members to Review Rules on Residential DR, SR Market.)

Comverge’s Frank Lacey, sponsor of the initiative, said residential DR will only be economical as a synchronized reserve resource if members approve an alternative to one-minute direct metering, which can cost upwards of $1,500 per unit.

Dave Pratzon, of GT Power Group, said that after discussions with Lacey he was satisfied that “not metering certain customers would be appropriate if the customers are very homogenous in nature so that DR response is going to be [predictable].”

Another question the subcommittee will consider is whether to limit eligibility to direct load-controlled properties.

Demand ResponseEnergy EfficiencyPJM Market Implementation Committee (MIC)

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