Members Seek Smarter Way to Measure Load Reduction
The Demand Response Subcommittee will seek ways to improve measurement and verification of emergency demand response under an issue charge approved last week by the Market Implementation Committee.

The Demand Response Subcommittee will seek ways to improve measurement and verification of emergency demand response under an issue charge approved last week by the Market Implementation Committee.

Existing procedures, which use the hour before an event as the default customer baseline (CBL), may be inaccurate for dispatches in the early morning and on days with multiple dispatches, PJM says. PJM’s Pete Langbein said the current process can also require a cumbersome administrative process requiring an electric distribution company review.

PJM estimates the work will take six months if only manual changes are needed and nine months if Tariff changes are required. The goal is to have all changes in place prior to start of the 2015/16 delivery year.

Demand ResponseEnergy EfficiencyPJM Market Implementation Committee (MIC)

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