A summary of measures approved by the PJM Markets and Reliability and Members Committees on Aug. 21, 2014.

Markets and Reliability Committee

The Markets and Reliability Committee approved the following with little debate or discussion on Thursday.

Manual Changes Approved

  • Manual 12: Balancing Operations. Updates Section 4.5, “Qualifying Regulating Resources,” for clarity, accuracy and consistency, including a description of current regulation testing procedures; consolidates “PJM Actions” from previous subsections into Section 4.5.
  • Manual 14B: PJM Region Transmission Planning Process. Adds language describing easily resolved constraints for Capacity Emergency Transfer Limits (CETL) to match that in the Tariff. (See MRC / MC Approvals.)
  • Manual 11: Energy & Ancillary Services Market Operations. Conforming revisions, adding references to “pre-emergency” demand response. (See PJM Wins on DR, Loses on Arbitrage Fix in Late FERC Rulings.)

Supplemental Transmission Projects

The committee approved Operating Agreement revisions defining supplemental transmission projects, as recommended by the Regional Planning Process Senior Task Force. (See PJM’s `To Do’ List.)

Settlement, Credit Changes

Members OK’d manual and Tariff revisions extending the deadlines for electric distribution companies (EDCs) to submit Power Meter and InSchedule data. The changes are intended to address problems with reporting output for non-utility generators. (See PJM MIC OKs Settlement, Credit Changes.)

The committee also approved manual and Reliability Assurance Agreement changes recommended by the Market Settlements Subcommittee allowing EDCs to submit corrections to Peak Load Contribution and Network Service Peak Load assignments until noon on the next business day. The changes are intended to aid Pennsylvania EDCs squeezed by new Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission deadlines. (See PJM MIC OKs Settlement, Credit Changes.)

Members Committee

The Members Committee approved a “back stop” mechanism for acquiring black start services through transmission providers when PJM solicitations fail to obtain service for a zone. Members also approved minor Tariff and manual changes relating to the compensation of black start units. Both sets of changes were approved by the MRC July 31. (See MRC Briefs.)

Ancillary ServicesPJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)PJM Members Committee (MC)

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