A summary of measures approved by the PJM Markets and Reliability and Members Committees on Oct. 30, 2014.

The Markets and Reliability and Members committees approved the following Thursday with little discussion or opposition.

Markets and Reliability Committee

Manual Changes  

  • Revisions to Manual 11: Energy & Ancillary Services Market Operations and Manual 28: Operating Agreement Accounting that will set the default Tier 1 synchronized reserves estimates to zero MW for nuclear, wind, solar, batteries and hydro generators. The change means those resources will not receive compensation unless they actually provide reserves during a spinning event.
  • Changes to Manual 1 to comply with a revised reliability standard given preliminary approval by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in September. COM-002-4 (Operating Personnel Communications Protocols) requires the use of a three-part communications process when issuing operating instructions. (See FERC Backs NERC, NAESB Standards.)
  • Revisions to Manual 14A: Generation and Transmission Interconnection Process that create a pre-application process for new and existing generation resource additions of 20 MW or less in compliance with FERC Order 792. Potential interconnection customers will have to submit a formal written request and a $300 processing fee. PJM is requesting these changes be effective beginning Nov. 1. (See PC Starts Work on Small Generator Interconnection Changes.)
  • Revisions to Manual 19: Load Forecasting and Analysis clarifying process for adjusting load forecasts due to significant load changes.
  • Conforming changes to Manual 18: PJM Capacity Market in response to members’ requests for details of the process for requesting and cancelling demand response maintenance outages and a FERC order allowing Annual, Extended and Limited products for DR (ER11-2288).

Transmission Owner Data Feed

Members approved Operating Agreement and manual changes to make it easier for transmission owners to access real-time generator data. The changes are intended to improve situational awareness and emergency response.

Winter Generator Testing

Members approved rules for voluntary winter testing of seldom-used generators. The tests would be limited to generators that haven’t run in the prior eight weeks and days when temperatures are below 35 degrees Fahrenheit. (See Winter Testing Could Cost $15.9M.)

IRM Set at 15.7% for 2018/19

Members approved a recommendation to leave PJM’s Installed Reserve Margin at 15.7% for planning year 2018/19, unchanged from 2017/18.

Manual 29 Revisions – Billing Adjustments

The committee approved a problem statement and issue charge on first read regarding revisions to Manual 29: Billing. The changes are intended to prevent cost shifting when miscellaneous items or special adjustments are underpaid.

Members Committee

Manual, Operating Agreement Changes

  • The MC endorsed revisions to Manual 11: Energy & Ancillary Services Market Operations and Manual 15: Cost Development Guidelines to correct a typographical error. The words “mileage ratio” will be replaced with “mileage” in Section 3.2.7 of Manual 11 and Section 2.8 of Manual 15, where the calculation of adjusted regulation performance cost is described.
  • Members revised the conflict of interest policy in the Operating Agreement to reflect the increasing number of consumer product companies, manufacturers and technology companies becoming involved in the electric industry. (See PJM Revising Policy on Prohibited Investments.)

Nominating Committee Elected

The MC elected the following to one-year terms as members of the Nominating Committee, which recommends candidates for the Board of Managers:

  • Electric Distributors: Steve Lieberman, ODEC
  • End Use Customers: Jackie Roberts, West Virginia Consumer Advocate Division
  • Generation Owners: Ken Foladare, IMG Midstream
  • Other Suppliers: Pati Esposito, American Wind Connection
  • Transmission Owners: Hertzel Shamash, Dayton Power and Light
Ancillary ServicesPJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)PJM Members Committee (MC)

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