PJM Members Committee Briefs: May 2015
A round-up of news from the PJM Markets Committee on May 21, 2015.

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. — The Members Committee last week gave final approval to a measure tightening rules on lost opportunity payments for generators.

Under the new rules, PJM will use the schedule that the resource is committed on for energy as the reference for lost opportunity costs unless it is self-scheduled. For self-scheduled resources, PJM will use the higher of the available cost or price curves.

In addition, combustion turbines that are scheduled in the day-ahead energy market will be prevented from receiving start-up and no-load costs when they do not run in real time. (See PJM Members Tighten Lost Opportunity Cost Rules; Tech-Specific Eligibility Retained.)

Adam Keech, PJM’s director of wholesale market operations, said the previous rules either over- or under-compensated generators.

Demand Response Verification

Members also approved Tariff and manual revisions regarding PJM’s use of sampling to measure and verify residential demand response. The new measurement method was originally endorsed by the MC in January. Thursday’s vote approved the inclusion of an additional transition year because of delays in filing the new method with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Rich Heidorn Jr.

Demand ResponseEnergy EfficiencyEnergy MarketPJM Members Committee (MC)

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