February 24, 2025
REV Straw Proposal Delayed Another Month
A crowded docket has delayed several key pieces of New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision, including the Track 2 straw proposal on ratemaking and rate design.

A crowded docket has delayed several key pieces of New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision, including the Department of Public Service staff’s Track 2 straw proposal on ratemaking and rate design.

That document — originally expected in January and then delayed twice to June 1 and July 1 — is now due on July 28, along with staff-proposed rules governing commission oversight of distributed energy resource suppliers.

The New York Public Service Commission secretary on Tuesday granted extensions to commission staff and a working group that faced July 1 deadlines. “These extension requests are generally premised on the need to address concerns expressed by parties and members of the public for relief from the potential burdens imposed by the simultaneous issuance of four products in this proceeding,” the secretary wrote.

In requesting the delay, commission staff noted the overlap among the proposals, its own workload and the public comment periods for each.

The Market Design and Platform Technology Working Group report is now expected on July 13.

A staff benefit cost analysis was filed July 1.

The August 2014 Track 1 straw proposal preceded the first REV order, which created the framework for development of clean and distributed energy resources. That led to the February PSC order that also set the schedule for these four docket items. (See New York PSC Bars Utility Ownership of Distributed Energy Resources.)

“Track 2 will propose specific regulatory reforms to the utility business model, rate-making approaches and rate design to achieve REV policy goals,” according to the Rocky Mountain Institute, an advisor to the PSC.

— William Opalka

Distributed Energy Resources (DER)New York

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