February 23, 2025
PJM to Propose Earlier Day-Ahead Schedule
PJM confirmed last week that it will seek to move the deadline for submitting day-ahead offers up 90 minutes, from noon to 10:30 a.m. ET.

PJM confirmed last week that it will seek to move the deadline for submitting day-ahead offers up 90 minutes, from noon to 10:30 a.m. ET.

Adam Keech, director of wholesale market operations, told the Operating Committee that the RTO will post day-ahead results as soon as they are complete — but no sooner than 12:30 p.m. — up from the current 4 p.m. The reliability assessment and commitment (RAC) run rebid window will be open until 2:15 p.m., up from the current 6 p.m.

Keech said PJM will seek to complete the RAC run assignments before the 3 p.m. deadline for the second intraday gas nomination cycle.

“We’re going to commit as much as we can by 3 p.m., recognizing that if system conditions change we’re going to need to make supplemental commitments,” Keech said.

The RTO’s explanation last week clarified the changes it outlined to the Markets and Reliability Committee on June 25. PJM officials acknowledged the lack of consensus among stakeholders on the changes but said they were necessitated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s April order moving the timely nomination cycle deadline for gas to 2 p.m. ET from 12:30 p.m. and adding a third intraday nomination cycle. (See PJM Moving on Day-Ahead Schedule Changes.)

Keech said PJM officials are considering changes to their algorithms as well as faster computer servers as a way to meet their goal of reducing the market-clearing time to three hours from four. He said FERC’s requirement that the RTO allow hourly pricing updates means it will have to process more data during the clearing process. (See “PJM Won’t Be Ready for Flexible Generator Offers by November” in PJM Markets and Reliability Committee Briefs.)

PJM told FERC in a report last week that it will implement hourly offers by Nov. 1, following consultations with stakeholders (EL15-73).

— Rich Heidorn Jr.

Energy MarketNatural GasPJM Operating Committee (OC)Reliability

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