FERC Accepts NYISO Compliance Filing
A summary of FERC orders approved at its open meeting last week related to NYISO.


  • FERC last week accepted a compliance filing by NYISO regarding its revised compensation methodology governing the provision of frequency regulation service under Order 755. “We believe that NYISO has demonstrated that its interim market power mitigation measures have successfully limited opportunities for firms to benefit from bidding regulation movement above marginal costs, and therefore meet the requirements of Order No. 755,” FERC wrote (ER12-1653).
  • nyisoFERC granted New York Transco’s request to delay the posting of its net adjusted revenue requirement, which had been due Sept. 30, 2015. The commission noted that some of the elements of the revenue requirement are the subject of ongoing settlement judge procedures and thus not available (ER15-572). The case relates to five transmission projects intended to serve New York City and respond to the potential closure of the Indian Point nuclear plant. (See Divided FERC Trims ROE on NY Tx Projects, Orders Hearing.)

William Opalka

Energy MarketFERC & FederalNew York

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